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This team’s purpose is to establish an inviting and safe atmosphere by interacting with the people who come to Life in Christ Church. Greeters and those at the Welcome Center help people feel welcome. Those in Security work to keep the church safe.
The Connection Team Greeter’s role is to welcome people at the front door of the church with a positive, warm, helpful, and inviting attitude.
Greeters Audio Training
Greeters Audio Training - LICC Connection Team
00:00 / 00:00
Welcome Team Members
The Welcome Team member’s role is to provide information about LICC to visitors (Welcome Packet), to get to know them, and ask them to complete a visitor follow-up info card.
Welcome Team Members Audio Training
Welcome Team Audio Training - LICC Connection Team
00:00 / 00:00
Security Staffs
The Connection Team Security staff's role is to keep the church as safe as possible and in the event of an emergency, will coordinate evacuation or contact law enforcement.
Security Staffs Audio Training
Security Staffs Audio Training - LICC Connection Team
00:00 / 00:00
Thank you for completing the Connection Team online trainings. The next step is to run a background check and once that is complete, you are ready to perform your role as one of the Connection Team staffs.
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