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Partnered Missionaries

Through unwavering commitment, we actively champion their mission, extending prayer, financial support, and active engagement.

At Life in Christ Church, we wholeheartedly support and stand alongside missionaries. Through unwavering commitment, we actively champion their mission, extending prayer, financial support, and active engagement. Our collective endeavors resonate with the spirit of missionary work embraced by the Assemblies of God, radiating compassion, fostering global connections, and sparking significant change. For more information on Assemblies of God's global missions, please visit, or explore U.S. missions at

Dareth & Thida Ly

"We are an appointed assemblies of God missionaries, serving in Cambodia. This beautiful country is a place of our birth and childhood nightmares . We are the survivors of a genocide that is known as the “Killing Fields.”  Under the reign of the Khmer Rouge, over two million Cambodians died from torture, starvation and forced labor.  God, in His grace and mercy, spared our lives, and now is using us to share His love to the broken and lost people of this nation. Please take a moment to learn about us and our ministry"

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Watch Dareth Ly's Story - Beyond the Fields

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